
The Monterey County Genealogy Society Inc.’s Officers serve for a period of one year, with their term of office beginning at the annual business meeting in January. The Society has both elected and appointed officers. Only elected officers have voting rights on the Board.

Elected Officers and Board Members

President Joseph Donahue 831-261-1423 Joe Donahue
1st VP Programs Shelley McFadden 831-915-9465 Shelley McFadden
2nd VP Membership Marilyn Ruccello 831-375-2340 Marilyn Ruccello
Recording Secretary Lucretia Portman Lucretia Portman
Corresponding Secretary Ellen Riddick 831-206-0391 Ellen Riddick
Treasurer Jeannie Pedersen 831-484-9350
Member-at-Large Valerie Hillesheim 831-917-1034 Valerie Hillesheim
Member-at-Large Earl Cory 831-717-4555 Earl Cory

Appointed Officers

Archivist/Historian Joseph Donahue 831-261-1423 Joe Donahue
Auditor Lucretia Portman Lucretia Portman
Newsletter Editor Gary Carlsen 831-277-6300 Gary Carlsen
N.G.S.Delegate Ellen Riddick 831-206-0391 Ellen Riddick
Genealogist Gary Carlsen 831-277-6300 Gary Carlsen
Hospitality Lucretia Portman Lucretia Portman
Parliamentarian Open
Publications Open
Publicity Marilyn Ruccello 831-375-2340 Marilyn Ruccello
Web Master Jim Robeson 831-226-6571 Jim Robeson

Special Interest Groups

DNA Discussion Group Jim Robeson 831-226-6571 Jim Robeson
Genealogy Discussion Group Shelley McFadden 831-915-9465 Shelley McFadden
Facebook Administrator Jackie Allison 831-402-3306 Jackie Allison
Primary Facebook Administrator Open

As you can see from the list above, not all positions are currently filled. Changes occur frequently. Participation can be very rewarding. If one of these appointments sounds inviting to you, please contact any officer or by email at MoCoGenSo.

Volunteers to serve on committees and generally just to help are really always welcome. The more help we have, the more we can get accomplished!